+49 170 40 47 280

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt:

Klaus Oppermann, Im Bruckenschlegel 11a, D-70186 Stuttgart

Internet: www.klausoppermann.com, www.klausomat.de
E-Mail: klaus.oppermann@me.com
USt-IdNr. DE226369846


Authorized representatives: 

Klaus Oppermann (Germany)


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Erscheinungsbild, Inhalt und Struktur dieser Internetseite von Klaus Oppermann sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Der Inhalt dieser Internetseite darf ohne Erlaubnis von Klaus Oppermann weder zu kommerziellen, noch zu anderen Zwecken kopiert, verbreitet oder verändert werden. Einige Inhalte dieser Website unterliegen des Weiteren dem Urheberrecht von Dritten und werden im Rahmen dieses Angebots mit ausdrücklicher Erlaubnis genutzt.


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Legal notes:

While klausoppermann.com strives toward accuracy of the information presented on this website, errors and ambiguities cannot be entirely avoided. klausoppermann.com therefore assumes no liability for the accuracy or quality of published information. klausoppermann.com also assumes no liability for material or immaterial damages immediately or secondarily incurred through the use or non-use of the information or through the use of erroneous or incomplete information insofar as no deliberate or grossly negligent default is demonstrable. klausoppermann.com reserves the right to modify, expand, remove or temporarily or permanently remove portions of or the complete range of Internet publications.

Third-party contributions on the klausoppermann.com’s website are fully responsible for their content. The responsibility for »foreign content«, i.e. direct or indirect links to other content providers, presupposes positive knowledge of unlawful or criminal content. klausoppermann.com has no influence over nor takes responsibility for this third party content. klausoppermann.com claims no knowledge of illegal or offensive content on the pages of third-party content provider’s Internet presence. Should illegal or offensive content be present on third-party providers’ linked pages, klausoppermann.com expressly removes its affiliation from this content.

All third-party registered trademarked and copyrights named within the Internet are under the unrestricted terms of the valid trademark legislation and copyrights of the each registered proprietor.

Reproduction or use of all photographics, sound documents, video sequences and/or texts is prohibited without express approval of klausoppermann.com or the responsible copyright holder.


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I don’t do newsletters.

This website is to inform the public about the photographic & video works of Klaus Oppermann and also serves as an archive for this work. If any content on my website is in anyway infringing your privacy or personal data please contact me and we will take care of it if necessary.

Updated in July 2018.

I hope you enjoy my works.